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VFX Domain Services

The VerifiedX (VFX) platform includes a unique service called VFX Domain Services or ADNRs that simplifies the handling of public blockchain addresses for both Bitcoin (BTC) and VFX (VerifiedX) networks. This service allows users to convert complex and hard-to-read public addresses into easy-to-remember and user-friendly domain names such as easyaddress.btc or someverified.vfx.

Overview of VFX Domain Services

VFX Domain Services provide a convenient way to create a personalized and readable alias for public addresses on both the Bitcoin and VFX blockchains. The service is built around the concept of Address Name Resolution (ADNR), which links human-readable names to traditional blockchain addresses.

Key Features

  • Address to Domain Mapping:

    • Users can map a difficult-to-read public address, like 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa, to a more readable and brandable domain, such as mybitcoin.btc or john.vfx.
    • This mapping simplifies the process of sharing addresses for receiving funds or NFTs.
  • Multi-Blockchain Support:

    • The service supports both Bitcoin and VerifiedX blockchains, providing users with the ability to create aliases for addresses on either network.
    • Example formats: easyaddress.btc for Bitcoin addresses and simple.vfx for VerifiedX addresses.
  • Customizable Domains:

    • Users can create unique and custom domains that suit their personal or business needs.
    • Domains can be tied to identities, making it easier to recognize the recipient of a transaction.

How It Works

The core of the VFX Domain Services is powered by the ADNR (Address Name Resolution) model, which stores the mappings between public addresses and the human-readable names. The ADNR model is defined in the Adnr.cs file within the VerifiedX-Core project.

ADNR Model (Adnr.cs)

The ADNR model is responsible for handling the creation, management, and resolution of human-readable domain names to their corresponding blockchain addresses.

Key properties of the ADNR model include:

  • Id: A unique identifier for each ADNR entry.
  • Address: The public blockchain address (either VFX or BTC) being mapped to the human-readable name.
  • Name: The human-readable alias (e.g., myaddress.vfx or example.btc).
  • DateCreated: The timestamp of when the mapping was created.
  • Signature: A digital signature that ensures the authenticity of the ADNR entry.

Key Methods

  • CreateAdnr(): This method allows users to create a new ADNR entry, linking a public blockchain address to a custom domain name.
  • ResolveAdnr(): This method resolves the human-readable domain back to its original blockchain address, enabling seamless address lookup during transactions.
  • DeleteAdnr(): Users can also delete ADNR entries if they no longer want a domain associated with a particular address.

Benefits of VFX Domain Services

  1. User-Friendly Transactions:

    • Rather than sharing long, complex addresses, users can share easy-to-remember domain names.
    • This reduces the chances of mistakes when inputting or sharing addresses.
  2. Enhanced Trust and Recognition:

    • Domain names can be tied to personal or business identities, making it easier to trust the recipient of a transaction.
    • A recognizable domain, such as mycompany.vfx, is more likely to inspire trust than an unfamiliar string of alphanumeric characters.
  3. Cross-Blockchain Flexibility:

    • Users can create domains for both Bitcoin and VFX addresses, making the service highly versatile.
    • This opens up the possibility for using the same name for both Bitcoin and VFX addresses (e.g., john.btc and john.vfx).

Use Cases

  • Personal Transactions:

    • Users can create custom domains to represent their personal addresses for Bitcoin and VFX transactions. For example, instead of sharing a long Bitcoin address, you could share mike.btc.
  • Business and Merchant Transactions:

    • Businesses can register their brand or company name as a domain to facilitate easier payment collection. For instance, a coffee shop could use coffeeco.vfx as their VerifiedX address to receive payments.
  • NFT Transactions:

    • VFX Domain Services could be particularly useful in the NFT space, where domain names can be used to represent the owner or creator of a particular NFT, making it easier to verify ownership.


VFX Domain Services offer a powerful and user-friendly solution for simplifying the sharing and management of blockchain addresses. With the ability to create custom domain names for both Bitcoin and VFX addresses, users can enjoy a more intuitive and trustworthy transaction experience.

For more technical details and implementation, you can view the ADNR model and related classes in the VerifiedX-Core GitHub repository.